February Newsletter 2024

Happy Valentines Day!

Love to see your business expand this year...with or without a partner?
Ramp up your education and your power to perform with education from our exceptional and highly experienced trainers. Make sure to check out our Calendar page at the newly accessible www.RCAMA.org to keep on top of events going on in and around the state. Sweet thoughts out to you and your success!

Business News

Does Market Data get you excited? Here’s the Q4 2023 report from NAR about commercial stats in various regions of Massachusetts. See how your area stacks up in comparison when it comes to commercial transactions. Check it out here: https://shorturl.at/H0235

Did You Know?

The National Association of REALTORS (NAR) has a huge pool of resources for us as commercial REALTORS to help us grow our businesses...get ideas on how to convert offices and other types of commercial property into housing opportunities by checking out: https://shorturl.at/klBGT

The Massachusetts Association of REALTORS (MAR) Can help you save on various services in and around the state. Check out their recently updated Member Benefits Guide to learn more about various Insurance options for you, info on the legal hotline, and so much more! The Guide is here: https://shorturl.at/cGSY1


Check out our Calendar for events and upcoming education!